How important is an FAQ page for your wedding venue website?


A well-structured FAQ page is one of the most important components of your wedding venue’s website strategy.

If someone has made it onto the FAQ page of your wedding venue website, they are likely evaluating your venue against others they have shortlisted. Having a well thought out FAQ page will help their decision process by giving them clear answers and further detailed content that’s easy to find. 

Your FAQ page can also help to build trust at an early stage as it demonstrates your understanding of their pain points and the challenges they face when choosing a wedding venue. Answering common questions not only improves customer experience by making it quick and easy to find the answers to their questions but it also saves you valuable time that would be spent going back and forth answering questions sent via email or phone calls. 

FAQ pages can also help grow SEO visibility. With this in mind it is important to step into the shoes of your customers when writing the questions to ensue you are using terminology that is used outside of the industry as well as inside the industry. For instance, “dry hire” is a term known by suppliers but may not necessarily be known by a couple just starting their venue search. 

I would also recommend linking answers to blog posts or content pages to provide further detailed information. Not only is this improving customer experience by answering further questions, but it is also keeping them on your website for as long as possible. 

What to include in an FAQ page

A great place to start is to log questions you are asked by new enquiries, whether this is via email, contact forms, on your social media or on the phone.  Examples can include whether confetti is allowed, or if you charge corkage. 

The above process should provide you with at least 10 questions or points you can use to start with. From this you can expand your FAQ’s around SEO keywords, and key features of the venue that you would like to highlight. 


Here are 10 popular FAQ’s to get you started:

1.    How long can a provisional date be held for?

2.    Is the venue licenced for civil ceremonies?

3.    Do you charge corkage?

4.    Do we have to use your recommended suppliers?

5.    Is there accommodation on site?

6.    Is confetti allowed?

7.    What time does our evening reception have to finish?

8.    Is VAT included in your listed prices?

9.    Is there disabled access?

10.  Do we have exclusive use? 


Top Tip

Creating more detailed blog posts about each FAQ is a great way to add fresh, relevant content to your website which Google loves, and also provide your prospective customers with a fantastic resource, while placing you as a trustworthy authority in the industry.  Using the same examples as before you could write a blog about why you don’t allow confetti from an environmental perspective or a blog on great confetti alternatives to link out from your confetti FAQ answer. 





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